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Age doesn’t really matter.

Ever dream of starting something but age seems to be worrying you? Well these people did not let up and some probably even believed in the saying “try and try until you die”.

image from the internet, source unknown.

Admittedly, financial or business success is not for everyone. Some of us were really born into being employees, some being so-so employees and some being great employees with great potentials.  Same goes with going into business for yourself.  Some would become exceptional business persons and build their own big business empires while some would be doing good on a micro scale.

No matter what people say, being exceptional either as an employee or as a business person never takes age as a factor to success. And it shouldn’t. Here are some known and some unknown successes who have more or less found their niche and succeeded in it on their own individual levels at an average age of 40 and up.


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