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Unique Selling Point

What is our Unique Selling Point“?Unique Selling Point

This is one question start-ups and marketers need to be asking.  If a group decides on creating an e-commerce site or a site offering a service or a product that many others are selling then this needs to fit in very snugly.

In lay man’s terms, “What makes us/you different”. Being different not in the sense of packaging or promoting your product, but in the areas of “Value”.  A truly Unique Selling Point will send your competition running for their money.

What other benefits will our customer get if they purchase with us?  How does this “value” place us in a better vantage point than our competition? During the early years, marketers would always push products to the consumer since most products then were unique, there was no need really to justify the product or brand, products just needed to be seen.

During the early years, marketers would always push products to the consumer since most products then were unique, there was no need really to justify the product or brand, products just needed to be seen.

In recent times, especially with the millennials half ruling our economies, people have become more critical on how and where they spend their hard earned money. They are wiser, they research more using the internet and they base decisions on where they would get more value for their money.

This is not just about trying to be different, but more of outdoing the competition in a fair and competitive manner.


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Web Admin


The Admins Web and WordPress designer with years of experience. He also has a strong background in business. They share clear, helpful insights for anyone looking to build a successful online presence.

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