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Online Presence

Responsive Web Design

With the barrage of new mobile phone brands, and advancements in www web standards on web design.  Some websites, though professionally done and very much aesthetically pleasing may still be considered as backward.  Imagine using your wifi enabled smartphone and going through such a website. But needing to scroll left to right just to see the whole page.  Such site would need to be adjusted to conform to the viewable space of any device. This is where “Responsive Web Design” comes in.

Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)


travel-agency-manila-rwdWith Responsive Web Design, there is no need to redesign your site. Your site would automatically fit into an android or an iPhone mobile device’s screen. As the name implies, the site is responsive and will adapt automatically, in layman’s parlance “one size fits all”.

For sites that simply offer information or basic customer interaction. This is far more cost effective than having a mobile app created for your company.  A responsive website is far less costly than a mobile app.

From a sales and marketing point of view, potential buyers are those who usually have some free time look up products or services online through their smartphones while in transit. They can be at a cafe waiting for their clients or partners or while they are at the office.  One would tend to lose potential sales if it is troublesome just viewing the site.

Edited and Republished from

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Alphonse Tan

Alphonse applies his marketing skills professionally and built his foundation in sales. He earned a Marketing Management degree from De La Salle University in Manila. Alphonse developed his web technology skills through self-study. He demonstrates passion in diverse pursuits, including business, travel, and senior citizens' advocacy.

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