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Business opportunities and social media

Franchise, business opportunities, and social media may seem like a great marriage of sorts, but this union seems beneficial mainly to the parties involved. It used to be that those offering commercial opportunities were open and had seemingly nothing to hide.

Due to the high volume nature of franchise and business opportunities and inquiries, businesses simply scrimp on the information they share and require the person inquiring one or more additional steps to take to find out how much such an opportunity would cost.

In doing so they might be losing some possible inquiries by being mysterious.  Serious business people do not like to be led around.  They prefer outright information where they can make outright decisions.

Here are some ideas on offering and perhaps somewhat limiting business information:

  1. Publish the company and contact information – doing so lends credence to the organization, even if inquiries land on a franchise or business consultants and not directly with the company.

  2. Publish investment information – ballpark figures would do. as long as they are not too far from the actual figures.

  3. Publish basic contract information – like initial terms of the contract, marketing fees, and other fees.

This information may not be exact but would give the investor some reassurance if:

  1. All important corporate information is disclosed.

  2. All the basic structures like applying for a franchise/opportunity, steps or processes involved prior to actual planning, all the legalities and technicalities are all covered and all operational support is clearly defined.


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Alphonse Tan

Alphonse applies his marketing skills professionally and built his foundation in sales. He earned a Marketing Management degree from De La Salle University in Manila. Alphonse developed his web technology skills through self-study. He demonstrates passion in diverse pursuits, including business, travel, and senior citizens' advocacy.

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