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Business Ideas

Facebook Shop


Selling online in the Philippines is not really new. People have been selling using,, and so many other sites. Since Facebook has a large social base, has a shop option for pages, why not open a facebook shop?

Sell Online on your own facebook shop to Compliment your Salary.

Selling on social networks such as would get you more mileage if you plan to sell online. Why? because the market is there and it is ripe for the picking. But I don’t have anything to sell. Well, you can always go looking for something to sell online. Or you could go around Divisoria and look for stuff to sell.

But roughing it up in Divisoria would mean you would have to purchase items before you can sell them or you could find some stuff, ask permission to take pictures and sell them online and get the items when you have a sale.  The downside to the second option is, when you return to Divisoria to look for the item, it might not be in stock anymore and you wouldn’t want that to happen.

Whatever it is you will look for in Divisoria, always remember to 1) Come in an ordinary attire, without any jewelry and if you have one of those old Nokia phones for communications better. 2) Do not count money in public. Do not show wads of cash. 3) be extra careful with the pedicabs, they can be especially rude and drive over your foot. Speaking of which, some of these pedicabs charge an arm and a leg, so be careful and ask the price first before you sit down. 4) remember to always haggle (make tawad), remember the peso or pesos that you shave off the price (or your cost) will always add to your income. 5) always bring drinking water as the walk can sometimes be uncomfortably hot.

Going back,  I think Facebook would be a great place to start with. If you have a large collection of friends, after you have setup your own Facebook shop, you could start advertising by inviting your friends to like your page/shop. Just make sure to keep your products up-to-date by taking out those that you do not sell anymore and by maintaining a fresh supply of items every so often.

Related: Setup your own Facebook shop.

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Alphonse Tan

Alphonse applies his marketing skills professionally and built his foundation in sales. He earned a Marketing Management degree from De La Salle University in Manila. Alphonse developed his web technology skills through self-study. He demonstrates passion in diverse pursuits, including business, travel, and senior citizens' advocacy.

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