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Variable Unit Linked Insurance

Protection Plus Investment

If you’ve realized at this point that you have extra funds. Funds that are beyond emergency cash in the bank, then it’s probably time to get yourself a VUL policy. A Variable Unit-linked Insurance product provides guaranteed living, death, and disability benefits along with an investment component.

VUL policy

A VUL policy addresses the needs of a person who dies too early or lives too long. The beneficiaries can receive the proceeds (death benefit plus investment earnings) upon the death of the insured. If he lives beyond his 60’s, he can look forward to having additional funds.  Funds coming from the investment income for his retirement.

This type of insurance product has been widely accepted in the past few years. It offers financial protection via its insurance coverage for critical illness, total and permanent disability, accidents, and even hospitalization. It can also have premiums waived in case of debilitating and adverse health conditions.

A Variable Unit-linked Insurance product provides guaranteed living, death, and disability benefits along with an investment component.Yuppies

Young working Filipinos can start the habit of saving regularly when they open a VUL policy. Yuppies adjust their spending activities because they know they have to earmark a fixed amount for their insurance policy’s premium obligation.

They know that saving to maintain a policy is certainly a better move than being financially problematic.  This is true in case of a major medical emergency.

A VUL Plan’s investment function is similar to those of mutual funds. The policyholder’s money is invested in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and fixed income instruments. They are professionally handled by full-time fund managers providing better potential earnings compared to time deposits and savings accounts.

For as low as P70 a day or less than the cost of designer coffee, a 30 yr old can receive guaranteed death, total and permanent disability, accident and critical illness benefits as well as potential 7 figure investment yields for his retirement.

This protection cum investment product is certainly a better deal than just letting extra funds sit in the bank which offers only .125% annual interest.

Talk to a trusted Insurance Specialist from a reliable company to discuss your financial goals and your options.






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May Saul


Business Coach & Financial Consultant. Helping people be successful entrepreneurs with meaningful ventures amid COVID-19

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