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Surviving The New Normal

Everybody is talking about surviving the new normal. Things done in a different way are being subjected to changes essential for growth. Here are some samples of businesses adapting for survival.

Food Dine-in Services

This industry was among the first to adapt.  More than 90% of industry are faced with that rentals and manpower costs.  These businesses cannot do nothing.  Even with a current respite from rental payments current rental expense payments are merely being postponed and broken up into equal future instalments.

Some major players have temporarily shifted from dine-in to delivery. An examples is “Samgyeopsal” restaurants. Where one normally stays an hour up cooking and eating.  Some restaurants have offered home delivery of Samgyeopsal food for cooking at home.

This new practice them a slice of the home-delivery market and a positive flow of income. These helps them maximize space rendered useless by Covid-19.  Most of them have set their websites or facebook pages to show their menus. (See COVID 19 PANDEMIC AFTER EFFECTS)

One practice just happening. The trend of some cafés closing some branches to concentrate instead in take-out instead of dine-in. This would surely free up some real estate. (Also read Starbucks is closing up to 400 stores and expanding takeout options)

SME Services

Even services need to sell their services.  Some in the form of recruitment of sales representatives.  Social distancing and quarantine does not help in these activities.  Some services like SME loans Services have devised a way for recruitment of affiliates or sales people.

They have creatively made websites for recruiting which they have in turn promoted or boosted in social networks like facebook.

To handle and schedule trainings these companies have opted to use conferencing software like Google Forms for training scheduling and application and Zoom for training sessions.

Retail including some Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) items

Most big name retail in advanced countries have seen the potentials of online selling, or ecommerce. The reach is of ecommerce is boundless and at far lesser costs to the brand.

For small businesses to compete, the market has become creatively  inventive and have used different social media platforms with which to sell there products. To complete the selling cycle, they have opted for services like PayPal, and PayMaya Negosyo to receive their payments. Banks also have great facilities for transferring payments like dragonpay and instapay.

As a recap, businesses to find ways with which to keep their businesses alive.  This process helps keeps their brands alive. Online and the Internet has helped improved processes. Improvement by which no calamity or epidemic may hinder progress and continuation of commerce.

Updated 20200612

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Alphonse Tan

Alphonse applies his marketing skills professionally and built his foundation in sales. He earned a Marketing Management degree from De La Salle University in Manila. Alphonse developed his web technology skills through self-study. He demonstrates passion in diverse pursuits, including business, travel, and senior citizens' advocacy.

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