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Business Ideas

Packaging Products to create a new product

Back in 1999. I first saw the potentials of the internet not as a learning tool, more as a business/marketing tool.  With this, I was wondering what business to get into. I thought maybe I should look into Packaging Products to create a new product.

My first business selling mobile phones went kaput. This was because one of the major mobile service carriers then decided to be a hero. They offer mobile phones “at no initial cash outlay”.

The situation was bad for us since we were selling mobile phones at cost plus a markup of P3,000.  This was regardless of model. Then all phones, once we brought them in for activation with subscription lines, brought us another P 1,500 income. Thus bringing our income per phone up to P 4,500. We were selling an average of one mobile phone a day.

Anyway, the new arrangement with the “no initial cash outlay” program of this Mobile Carrier, our income per phone drastically shot down to  P 750 per phone.  To make the long story short, we were paying rent, taxes, and salaries and this just wasn’t enough. Most of the new clients were asking for this. I guess you get the picture now.

After this, we closed shop, the partners went our separate ways which lead us back to what I was to get into. I was looking around, got a job with an ISP that shortchanged me with my salary so I left. But thankful for this lovely introduction to the web, I began pondering how I could package something for a certain market to sell. It was also at this time that I was learning HTML which was very basic then.

Packaging Products to create a new product

After a lot of thought, I said to myself: “The internet is a great tool for marketing businesses, reaching great distances with such little effort and investment.” But the internet at that time was all “dial-ups”. This was the time Google was not yet known and yahoo was the only major search engine.

I decided to try creating my own site and calling it “Biztoolz“. I approached a local Internet Service Provider (ISP), struck a reseller agreement with them and created packages that took care of three basic things for business people:

  1. Internet Connection  (this was the time of dial-up internet)

  2. Communication (email address)

  3. Website Design & Hosting

Viewing it the other way around

  1. website design & hosting – for business people to place their products or service, where people would search for in yahoo.

  2. Communication – Links on their Mini-Websites that would open up visitors’ Outlook or Email programs to send emails directly to the business owner.

  3. Internet Connection – for the business owner to check his/her incoming email and answer these.

At that time, since most connection were limited and mostly prepaid, business people would just dial-up to check email and log-off.

What we did:

  1. I registered “Biztoolz, site design based on today standards was horrible. It was 1999 and the resolution of monitors then were 800 x 600.

  2. We created packages that offered 3 items in 1: a) website design & hosting b) email address c) internet connection (For a clearer explanation of the packages, please check the first section on this page)

  3. Offered these services to prospective businesses and individuals. It was unfortunate that we weren’t able to update this page and that the internet archive was still young then and only archived a few links on the site. Our hard disks containing our early designs crashed and we were only able to restore one of the clients we had then.

Our operations was simple : We only approached one ISP (internet service provider) that provided all of the three at a bargain price.  then offered these to businesses.

Updated : 20210922

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Alphonse Tan

Alphonse applies his marketing skills professionally and built his foundation in sales. He earned a Marketing Management degree from De La Salle University in Manila. Alphonse developed his web technology skills through self-study. He demonstrates passion in diverse pursuits, including business, travel, and senior citizens' advocacy.

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