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5 Steps to Handling Complaints

Each established business has had their share of customer complaints. Knowing how to handle customer complaints properly. How you handle complaints would show how much you are genuinely interested in the welfare of your customers or clients.
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Business Basics

Build your own Website

Starting a website should be parallel to when you start your business. It needs to be started, established and grow with time. Most business persons pay web designers and/or developers to build their websites only to neglect this when its built.
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The P’s of Marketing

During my time, there were only four (4) P's, namely : Product, Pricing , Promotions and Place. Recently in some circles, they have added the fifth (5th) P, which to me is the most important of all: People.
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Business Ideas

Packaging Products to create a new product

After a lot of thought, I said to myself: "The internet is a great tool for marketing businesses, reaching great distances with such little effort and investment." But the internet at that time was all "dial-ups". This was the time Google was not yet known and yahoo was the only major search engine.
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