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Automotive Franchise

M7 Enterprise

The top shop in fabrication of rubber bushings w/ ply and Restoration of ball-joints, tie-rod ends, etc using our patented M7 technology.

“Patience, perseverance, faith and dedication,” are the driving forces that carried M7 all through out  its years in the Automotive Industry.

On August 1969, Tancredo B. Jumawan started M7 Brake and Clutch, the name being the first letter of the given name and the seven letters of the surname of his only daughter Miriam Jumawan. 

It’s all started with a small clutch and brake bonding shop located at 24 Aurora Boulevard San Juan. In 1971, M7 started to spread its wings and expand needing a larger place for its growing clientele. A blessing just a block away presented itself, M7 was able to rent a property at 8 Aurora Boulevard, San Juan soon thereafter  became its property, and is now the main office and shop of  M7 Enterprise.

A few years after, M7 Espana branch was born. This was managed by Jose Jumawan, the younger brother of the patriarch of M7. All throughout the years, M7 enjoyed its growing clientele. After which, in 1986, another opportunity for expansion presented itself, hence, the birth of M7 Pasig that is originally housed in Pasig Boulevard. However due to the expansion of C5 road, it was transferred to C. Raymundo. Tessie Anisco-Jumawan, the youngest sister of the matriarch manages it at the present.

In 1991, M7 spread its wings further. It opened an Auto Supply, along with a Service Center that offers a wide range of automotive products and services. Its service included brakes, clutch and underchassis repairs. At present, M7 offers complete underchassis repair service including camber correction and wheel alignment along with electrical, mechanical, painting and body repairs. 

In times of economic instability customer search for durability, and value for money products. In 1997, M7 began to experiment on fabrication of engine supports and rubber bushing for passenger cars using recycled tires, (researched and developed by the father and son team Tancredo and the Patriarch’s only son, Frederick Jumawan). 

These became popular among taxi and jitney operators, as well motor racing enthusiast due to its durability and adaptability to the local road condition and its value for money pricing. 

Subsequently, Frederick  started to supply his innovations to the other Auto Supply stores, taxi operators and a host of other business needing durable and economical rubber products, not to mention an earth friendly one. Soon thereafter, a patent and copyright was filed. The Department of Intellectual Property Office published the application for two months in their official gazette, after which a certificate of patent and copyright was granted on November 12, 2002.

In 2002, Frederick’s research brought him to Canada.  In the era of Globalization, M7 felt the need to explore possibilities and opportunities outside it’s homeland. A pioneering, tire recycling company in Canada heard of M7’s success in the automotive innovation, using the same materials that they used in making their agricultural and construction products. Subsequently, the president and CEO of this company offered a position to Frederick, as the lead of a new department wherein the market would be in the automotive rubber products. This is the first step towards maximization of recycled tire usage as a steady substitute for automotive rubber products.

2004, marks the new era for M7 Under-chassis Parts and Manufacturing Automotive Services Inc. , the corporation is formally formed and registered, it will answer the need for an organizational restructuring that will keep in place with the expansion of the company. 

  As of the present there are M7 located in strategic areas in the Metropolis to serve our numerous and growing customer.

Address# 8 Aurora Boulevard 1500
San Juan, Philippines
Phone0927 329 8136
WebsiteVisit Website
Social MediaOpens in a new window. 


I. Franchise Fee ___________ P50,000
II. Training,Tools & other equipment P50,000
III. What M7 Will provide:
A. Injector Machine for Repair&Restoring of Ball-Joint, Tie-Rod Ends, Rack-Ends and etc. with 2 meters of polymer (16-20 pcs. of repair).

B. Accessories
1. Injector Nozzle
2. Scissor Jack
3. Hydraulic Jack
4. Torch for Heating
5. LPG Tank
6. Basin
7. Bench Drill Machine
8. Vise (gato)
9. Goggles
10. Masks
11. M7 Signage Oblong (3 x 4) both sides

C. Training you or 1 of your Personnel for (2-3 weeks) to any of our branch near you.

IV. What Franchisee Will Provide:
1. Shop or Store Space
2. Small area inside the shop(min. 12sq. /ft.).
2. Tools and Equipment for the shop.
3. Tarps, signage, Promo Materials flyers at your expense.
4. (8 postdated checks) Payment of Monthly Royalty of P1, 500 beginning in the 4th month of Operation up to the end of 1st year of operation.
5.Polymers for restoration of Ball-Joints tie-rod ends etc. can only be procured from us as a part of trade secret of our patent.
6.Franchise fees quoted here are for metro manila franchise only.

Franchise Fee ₱100,000


I. Franchise Fee ___________ P 60,000

II. Tools & other equipment __ P30,000

III. Fees for Training of Personnel on Rubber Products, Bushings, Engine Support etc.

1.P5, 000/Month per Trainee for 3-4 months if you or 1 of your personnel are trained in any of our branch near you.
2.Trained & experienced rubber fabricators available for a fee of P10, 000/Month(++) to train you or 1 of your personnel at your shop for 3-4 months.

IV. What M7 Will provide:
1. Working Tables
2. Grinder Machine
3. Vise (gato)
4. Hole Punchers Sizes: 1/8, 3/11. 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 8/16, etc.
5. Knives to cut rubber materials.
6. M7 Signage oblong (3 x 4) both sides
7. 1pc used rubber tire (good for 2-3 months)

V. What Franchisee Will Provide:
1. Shop or Store Space
2. Small area inside the shop(min. 12sq. /ft.).
3. Tools and Equipment for the shop.
4. Tarps, Signage, Promo Materials flyers.
5. (8 postdated checks) Payment of Monthly Royalty of P1, 500 beginning in the 4th month of Operation up to the end of 1st year of operation.
6. All supplies of raw Materials are available from us but you have the Option to buy it from other sources by making arrangement with us to ensure the quality of rubber tires.
7. Franchise fees quoted here are for metro manila franchise only.

Franchise Fee ₱90,000
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